The Poppy Planner part 2

Hello Dear,

I hope this post finds you well. I wanted to talk to you about the other pages in my Poppy Planner.

Let’s dive in and talk about the Monthly planner pages, the weekly pages and the reflection pages.



I like to use the Monthly pages to write down my appointments, birthday and deadlines.                             These pages are the cornerstone of my planning system; it’s a birds-eye view of the month. Here I like to map out what I would like to do in that month. For example, do I have to work, when can you take time off, which days would be the best days for a date night or a dinner date with friends? It could also be used as a future planning space to write down doctors appointments, holidays and more. It’s also an excellent place to start planning out projects. Knowing how many days I need to work on a task, will I have to stop working on that project because other things have to be done.

You could also use it as an editorial calendar; when will you be posting online, what days will you be able to sit down and write?

On a sadder note, this could be the place you mark off your covid quarantine days. Some of my friends have had to do so because they came in contact with a person who had it. You would mark off the days you had to stay at home and celebrate when the time was up, and you could rejoin the rest of the world.



Now here we have the weekly planning pages. These pages are different from any other planner that I have created. We have the left side of the page with the days of the week, water and weather tracers for those of you who like to track the weather. Tracking the weather is helpful for someone who has a vegetable garden or veg/ flower business; this will help with later evaluation and any changes you would like to make in the future. There are no dates on this side of the page because it took up too much space that you could use to write down your household tasks, appointments, meal planning, or even to journal about the day. Instead, the dates are on the right side of the page.

The goal setting side to planning your day.

I wanted an area to write down my most important goals for that day. I also wanted a place to write down the action I would need to take to complete that said goal. The more little steps you write down, the smaller the goal becomes. You get to dissect this big goal or task into mini-steps. You then decide when you want to take each step and which order. Can you take a small action step and do it while you are out and about, going to an appointment, or while you are drinking your morning coffee, or even making dinner? I’m thinking about phone calls here or internet research.

We have added moon phases to our planner pages for people like me who want to work with the moon.


The reflection journaling page

It is good to end your month with reflection. What went well, what not so? To recall all the good things that happened and all the little things that you have accomplished helps build up your confidence that you can get things done, showing yourself that you weren’t lazy.

We tend to forget all the things that we could do and focus on the items in our heads that say we didn’t get anything done, what a loser we are and all the crap that puts us down. But, looking at my month with the eyes of change, what could I have done better, how would I do things differently next month? Will I need more help? Should I have given some tasks to someone else, did I need more rest days?

All the past pages, the gratitude page, the tracking page, and the monthly and weekly pages help us see the bigger picture. They are a record of what went on in our life, in our environment. This data can be used to be subjective and not too hard on ourselves.


 The Poppy Planner is now available over in my Etsy shop as a download

There are two ways you can use this planner. You can print it out at home or printing shop or upload it to your iPad and use it there. It doesn’t have hyperlinks mind you.

This planner is in English and in German.


Ok, my Dear, that was the Poppy planner. I do hope you like it as much as my friends and I do. If you have any questions then please leave them in the comments below.

Happy Planning






















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