Setting up Notion

Hello Dear, I do hope this post finds you well. This past month I have been working on setting up Notion for my hubby.  What is Notion, you ask? Well, I call it a digital notebook and calendar all in one. It’s more than that; here is the link to Notion, which will explain things … Read more


Meine Lieben,  Vorab ein paar Worte in eigener Sache. Ich bin an Corona erkrankt, ja. Ich habe es beinahe drei Jahre geschafft mich nicht zu infizieren und war schon heilfroh. Oft ist der Kelch sehr nah an uns vorbei gereicht worden. Ja, eigentlich zu oft und auch zu nah. Mich hat es also erwischt und … Read more

The energy of May

Maienergie Hallo meine Lieben! Wow, einfach nur wow… Mehr kann ich zu den vergangenen Tagen gar nicht sagen. Ich bin geflasht, so voller Energie – Tatendrang und Ideen überfluteten mich. Kennt ihr das Sprichwort: Man steht unter Strom ?  Ja, irgendwie fühle ich mich gerade genau so.    Voller Vorfreude und mit großer Hoffnung habe … Read more

Poppy Planner Reflection page

  Hello Dear, How are you feeling today? I want to talk about the reflection page in my Poppy Planner and why I added one. A reflection page is essential for someone who suffers from depression, like me. It’s a page to remember all the good things that happened and what things I was able … Read more

The Poppy Planner part 2

Hello Dear, I hope this post finds you well. I wanted to talk to you about the other pages in my Poppy Planner. Let’s dive in and talk about the Monthly planner pages, the weekly pages and the reflection pages.     I like to use the Monthly pages to write down my appointments, birthday … Read more

The Poppy Planner

Hello, My Dear, I hope this post finds you well. I want to introduce you to my new Poppy Planner. After creating planners for friends and family, I thought it was high time to create a planner designed for my needs. As you may know, I have been in many different planners over the years, … Read more

The planners I will be using in 2022

Hello, my dear, I do hope this blog post finds you well. 2022 is just a few days away and I wanted to start on one of my goals which is to write weekly posts. I would like you to hold me accountable, yep I am putting pressure on myself. If I don’t write a weekly … Read more